A. Mayora-Cebollero, J. A. Jover-Galtier, F. Drubi, S. Ibañez, Á. Lozano Rojo, C. Mayora-Cebollero
R. Barrio.
Almost synchronization phenomena in the two and three coupled Brusselator systems
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena472(2025)134457.
doi 10.1016/j.physd.2024.134457
S. Serrano, R. Barrio, Á. Lozano Rojo, A. Mayora-Cebollero
R. Vigara Benito.
Coupling of neurons favors the bursting behavior and the predominance of the tripod gait,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals184(2024)114928.
doi 10.1016/j.chaos.2024.114928
Á. Lozano Rojo, R. Vigara Benito, R. Barrio
C. Mayora-Cebollero.
Dominant patterns in small directed bipartite networks: ubiquitous generalized tripod gait
Nonlinear Dynamics112(2024)15549–15565.
doi 10.1007/s11071-024-09830-2
H. Kitajima, T. Yazawa
R. Barrio.
Fast-slow analysis and bifurcations in the generation of the early afterdepolarization phenomenon in a realistic mathematical human ventricular myocyte model
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
C. Mayora-Cebollero, A. Mayora-Cebollero, Á. Lozano
R. Barrio.
Full Lyapunov exponents spectrum with Deep Learning from single-variable time series
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
R. Barrio, S. Ibáñez
L. Pérez.
Exploring the geometry of the bifurcation sets in parameter space
Scientific Reports141(2024)10900.
R. Barrio, J. A Jover-Galtier, A. Mayora-Cebollero, C. Mayora-Cebollero
S. Serrano.
Synaptic dependence of dynamic regimes when coupling neural populations
Physical Review E1091(2024)6337.
C. Sáenz-Royo
Á. Lozano-Rojo.
Authoritarianism versus participation in innovation decisions,
doi 10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102741
R. Barrio, S. Ibañez, J. A. Jover-Galtier, Á. Lozano Rojo, M. Á. Martínez, A. Mayora-Cebollero, C. Mayora-Cebollero, L. Pérez, S. Serrano
R. Vigara Benito.
Dynamics of excitable cells: spike-adding phenomena in action,
SeMA Journal(2023).
doi 10.1007/s40324-023-00328-2
R. Barrio, Á. Lozano Rojo, A. Mayora-Cebollero, C. Mayora-Cebollero, A. Miguel, A. Ortega, S. Serrano
R. Vigara Benito.
Deep Learning for Chaos Detection,
doi 10.1063/5.0143876
R. Barrio, Á. Lozano, A. Mayora-Cebollero, C. Mayora-Cebollero, A. Miguel, A. Ortega, S. Serrano
R. Vigara.
Deep learning for chaos detection
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
R. Barrio, J. A. Jover-Galtier, MA Martínez, L. Pérez
S Serrano.
Mathematical birth of Early Afterdepolarizations in a cardiomyocyte model
Mathematical Biosciences366(2023)109088.
C. Li, R. Barrio, X. Xiao, P. Du, H. Jiang, Z. Quan
K. Li.
PACF: A precision-adjustable computational framework for solving singular values
Applied Mathematics and Computation440(2023)127611.
F. Alcalde Cuesta, G. Guerberoff
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Bernoulli and binomial proliferation on evolutionary graphs,
Journal of Theoretical Biology534(2022)110942.
doi 10.1016/j.jtbi.2021.110942
R. Barrio, M Á. Martínez, S. Serrano
E. Pueyo.
Dynamical mechanism for generation of arrhythmogenic early afterdepolarizations in cardiac myocytes: Insights from in silico electrophysiological models
Physical Review E1062(2022)10498.
A. R Nieto, J. M Seoane, R. Barrio
M. AF Sanjuán.
A mechanism explaining the metamorphoses of KAM islands in nonhyperbolic chaotic scattering
Nonlinear Dynamics1092(2022)1123–1133.
R. Barrio, Á. Lozano Rojo, M. Martínez, M. Rodríguez
S. Serrano.
Routes to tripod gait movement in hexapods,
doi 10.1016/j.neucom.2020.06.151
F. Alcalde, Á. Lozano Rojo
M. Martínez.
Free minimal actions of solvable Lie groups which are not affable,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society1496(2021)2679–2691.
doi 10.1090/proc/15365
C. Li, X. Xiao, P. Du, H. Jiang, R. Barrio, Z. Quan
K. Li.
A high-precision dqds algorithm
K. He, R. Barrio, L. Chen, H. Jiang, J. Liu, T. Gu
J. Qi.
A Class of Fast and Accurate Multi-layer Block Summation and Dot Product Algorithms
R. Barrio, S Coombes, M Desroches, F Fenton, S Luther
E Pueyo.
Excitable dynamics in neural and cardiac systems,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation86(2020)105275.
R. Barrio, S. Ibáñez
L. Pérez.
Homoclinic organization in the Hindmarsh–Rose model: A three parameter study,
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science305(2020)22106.
R. Barrio, M. Á. Martínez, L. Pérez
E Pueyo.
Bifurcations and Slow-Fast Analysis in a Cardiac Cell Model for Investigation of Early Afterdepolarizations,
R. Barrio
D Wilczak.
Distribution of stable islands within chaotic areas in the non-hyperbolic and hyperbolic regimes in the Hénon–Heiles system,
Nonlinear Dynamics1021(2020)403–416.
MP de Carvalho, R. Barrio, A. Rodrigues
ML Castro.
Experimentally accessible orbits near a Bykov cycle,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos3010(2020)2030030.
D. Arnas
M. Rodríguez.
Range searching in multidimensional databases using navigation metadata,
Applied Mathematics and Computation386(2020)125510.
doi 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125510
R. Barrio, Á. Lozano, M. Rodríguez
S. Serrano.
Numerical detection of patterns in CPGs: Gait patterns in insect movement,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation82(2020)105047.
doi 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105047
R. Barrio, S. Ibáñez, L. Pérez
S. Serrano.
Spike-adding structure in fold/hom bursters,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation83(2020)105100.
doi 10.1016/j.cnsns.2019.105100
R. Barrio, M. Á. Martínez, L. Pérez
E Pueyo.
Bifurcations and Slow-Fast Analysis in a Cardiac Cell Model for Investigation of Early Afterdepolarizations,
doi 10.3390/math8060880
T Sun, R. Barrio, H Jiang
L Cheng.
Convergence rates of accelerated proximal gradient algorithms under independent noise,
Numerical Algorithms812(2019)631–654.
T Sun, R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez
H Jiang.
Inertial nonconvex alternating minimizations for the image deblurring,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing2812(2019)6211–6224.
R. Barrio.
“Brainland” vs. “flatland”: How many dimensions do we need in brain dynamics?: Comment on the paper “The unreasonable effectiveness of small neural ensembles in high-dimensional brain” by Alexander N. Gorban et al,
Physics of life reviews29(2019)108–110.
X Zhang, R. Barrio, M. Á. Martínez, H Jiang
L Cheng.
Bregman proximal gradient algorithm with extrapolation for a class of nonconvex nonsmooth minimization problems,
IEEE Access7(2019)126515–126529.
P Marziani, A del Olmo, M. Á. Martínez, GM Stirpe, CA Negrete, D Dultzin, M D’onofrio, E Bon
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Black hole mass estimates in quasars. A comparative analysis of high- and low-ionization lines,
Astronomy & Astrophysics627(2019)A88.
Á. Lozano Rojo
R. Vigara Benito.
The triple point spectrum of closed orientable 3-manifolds,
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics16(2019)71.
doi 10.1007/s00009-019-1340-z
T Sun, R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez
H Jiang.
Inertial nonconvex alternating minimizations for the image deblurring,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing2812(2019)6211–6224.
T. Sun, R. Barrio, L. Cheng
H. Jiang.
Precompact convergence of the nonconvex Primal–Dual Hybrid Gradient algorithm,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics330(2018)15–27.
R. Barrio, P Du, H Jiang
S. Serrano.
ORTHOPOLY: A library for accurate evaluation of series of classical orthogonal polynomials and their derivatives,
Computer Physics Communications2312(2018)146–162.
F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. González Sequeiros
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Evolutionary regime transitions in structured populations,
PLOS ONE1311(2018)e0200670.
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D. Wilczak
R. Barrio.
Systematic computer-assisted proof of branches of stable elliptic periodic orbits and surrounding invariant tori,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems163(2017)1618–1649.
R. Barrio, S. Ibáñez
L. Pérez.
Hindmarsh–Rose model: Close and far to the singular limit,
Physics Letters A3816(2017)597–603.
P. Du, R. Barrio, H. Jiang
L. Cheng.
Accurate Quotient-Difference algorithm: error analysis, improvements and applications,
Applied Mathematics and Computation309(2017)245–271.
F. Alcalde Cuesta, Á. Lozano Rojo
A. C. Vázquez.
Insertion-tolerance and repetitiveness of random graphs,
Stochastics & Dynamics173(2017)1750023.
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F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. González Sequeiros
Á. Lozano Rojo.
A method for validating Rent’s rule for technological and biological networks,
Scientific Reports7(2017)5378.
doi 10.1038/s41598-017-05670-w
F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. González Sequeiros, Á. Lozano Rojo
R. Vigara Benito.
An accurate database of the fixation probabilities of all undirected graphs of order 10 or less,
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering IWBBIO2017,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science10209,
doi 10.1007/978-3-319-56154-7_20.
JW Sulentic, A del Olmo, P Marziani, M. Á. Martínez, M D’onofrio, D Dultzin, J Perea, ML Martínez-Aldama, CA Negrete
GM Stirpe.
What does CIVλ1549 tell us about the physical driver of the Eigenvector quasar sequence?,
Astronomy & Astrophysics608(2017)A122.
ML Martínez-Aldama, A del Olmo, P Marziani, CA Negrete, D Dultzin
M. Á. Martínez.
HE0359-3959: an extremely radiating quasar,
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T. Sun, R. Barrio, H. Jiang
L. Cheng.
Local linear convergence of a primal-dual algorithm for the augmented convex models,
Journal of Scientific Computing693(2016)1301–1315.
R. Barrio.
Theory and Applications of the Orthogonal Fast Lyapunov Indicator (OFLI and OFLI2) Methods,
Chaos Detection and Predictability,
D. Wilczak, S. Serrano
R. Barrio.
Coexistence and Dynamical Connections between Hyperchaos and Chaos in the 4D Rössler System: A Computer-Assisted Proof,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems151(2016)356–390.
doi 10.1137/15M1039201
H. Jiang, S. Graillat, R. Barrio
C. Yang.
Accurate, validated and fast evaluation of elementary symmetric functions and its application,
Applied Mathematics and Computation273(2016)1160–1178.
Á. Dena, A. Abad
R. Barrio.
Efficient computational approaches to obtain periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems: application to the motion of a lunar orbiter,
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy1241(2016)51–71.
M. Á. Marco-Buzunariz
M. Rodríguez.
SIROCCO: A Library for Certified Polynomial Root Continuation,
International Congress on Mathematical Software,
O. Tapia, M. Escudero, Á. Lozano Rojo, J. Anzano
E. Mantilla.
New classification scheme for ozone monitoring stations based on frequency distribution of hourly data,
Science of the Total Environment54415(2016)1–9.
doi 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.081
Á. Lozano Rojo
R. Vigara Benito.
Representing knots by filling Dehn spheres,
Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications26(2016)1650018.
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F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. González Sequeiros
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Exploring the topological sources of robustness against invasion in biological and technological networks,
Scientific Reports6(2016)20666.
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M. Escudero, Á. Lozano Rojo, J. Hierro, O. Tapia, J. del Valle, A. Alastuey, T Moreno, J. Anzano
X. Querol.
Assessment of the variability of atmospheric pollution in National Parks of mainland Spain,
Atmospheric Environment132(2016)332–344.
doi 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.03.006
Á. Lozano Rojo, M. Rodríguez Rodríguez
R. Barrio.
Control strategies of 3-cell Central Pattern Generator via global stimuli,
Scientific Reports6(2016)23622.
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V. Salas-Fumás, C. Sáenz
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Organisational Structure and Performance of Consensus Decisions through Mutual Influences: A Computer Simulation Approach,
Decision Support Systems86(2016)61–72.
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P Marziani, M. Á. Martínez, J W Sulentic, A del Olmo, G M Stirpe
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The most powerful quasar outflows as revealed by the Civλ1549 resonance line,
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P Marziani, J W Sulentic, G M Stirpe, D Dultzin, A del Olmo
M. Á. Martínez.
Blue outliers among intermediate redshift quasars,
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doi 10.1007/s10509-015-2590-2
R. Barrio.
Taylor Series Methods,
Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics(2015)1465–1470.
R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez, S. Serrano
A. Shilnikov.
Mechanism of quasi-periodic lag jitter in bursting rhythms by a neuronal network,
EPL (Europhysics Letters)1123(2015)38002.
doi 10.1209/0295-5075/112/38002
R. Barrio, M. Á. Martínez, S. Serrano
D. Wilczak.
When chaos meets hyperchaos: 4D Rössler model,
Physics Letters A37938(2015)2300–2305.
A. Abad, R. Barrio, M Marco-Buzunariz
M. Rodríguez.
Automatic implementation of the numerical Taylor series method: a Mathematica and Sage approach,
Applied Mathematics and Computation268(2015)227–245.
R. Barrio, Á. Dena
W. Tucker.
A database of rigorous and high-precision periodic orbits of the Lorenz model,
Computer Physics Communications194(2015)76–83.
M. Rodríguez, F. Blesa
R. Barrio.
OpenCL parallel integration of ordinary differential equations: Applications in computational dynamics,
Computer Physics Communications192(2015)228–236.
R. Barrio, M. Lefranc, M. Á. Martínez
S. Serrano.
Symbolic dynamical unfolding of spike-adding bifurcations in chaotic neuron models,
EPL (Europhysics Letters)1092(2015)20002.
R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez, S. Serrano
A. Shilnikov.
Mechanism of quasi-periodic lag jitter in bursting rhythms by a neuronal network,
EPL (Europhysics Letters)1123(2015)38002.
A. Abad, R. Barrio, M. Á. Marco-Buzunariz
M. Rodríguez.
Automatic implementation of the numerical Taylor series method: a Mathematica and Sage approach,
Applied Mathematics and Computation268(2015)227–245.
M. Rodríguez, F. Blesa
R. Barrio.
OpenCL parallel integration of ordinary differential equations: Applications in computational dynamics,
Computer Physics Communications192(2015)228–236.
Á. Lozano Rojo
R. Vigara Benito.
On the subadditivity of Montesinos complexity of closed orientable 3-manifolds,
doi 10.1007/s13398-014-0179-1
F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. González Sequeiros
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Fast and asymptotic computation of the fixation probability for Moran processes on graphs,
doi 10.1016/j.biosystems.2015.01.007
P Marziani, J W Sulentic, C A Negrete, D Dultzin, A del Olmo, M. Á. Martínez, T. Zwitter
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UV spectral diagnostics for low redshift quasars: Estimating physical conditions and radius of the broad line region,
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J W Sulentic, M. Á. Martínez, P Marziani, A del Olmo, G M Stirpe, S Zamfir
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3C 57 as an atypical radio-loud quasar: Implications for the radio-loud/radio-quiet dichotomy,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society4502(2015).
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T. Xing, R. Barrio
A. Shilnikov.
Symbolic quest into homoclinic chaos,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos248(2014)1440004.
R. Barrio, M. Á. Martínez, S. Serrano
A. Shilnikov.
Macro-and micro-chaotic structures in the Hindmarsh-Rose model of bursting neurons,
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science242(2014)023128.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Unbounded dynamics in dissipative flows: Rössler model,
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science242(2014)024407.
F. Blesa, J. M Seoane, R. Barrio
M. AF Sanjuán.
Effects of periodic forcing in chaotic scattering,
Physical Review E894(2014)042909.
R. Barrio
M. Rodríguez.
Systematic Computer Assisted Proofs of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation198(2014)2660–2675.
T. Xing, J. Wojcik, R. Barrio
A. Shilnikov.
Symbolic toolkit for chaos explorations,
International Conference on Theory and Application in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2012),
R. Barrio
M. Rodríguez.
Systematic Computer Assisted Proofs of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation198(2014)2660–2675.
M. Escudero, Á. Lozano Rojo, J. Hierro, J. del Valle
E. Mantilla.
Urban influence on increasing ozone concentrations in a characteristic Mediterranean agglomeration,
Atmospheric Environment99(2014)322–332.
doi 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.061
R. Barrio, F. Blesa, S. Serrano
A. Shilnikov.
Homoclinic Spirals: Theory and Numerics,
Progress and Challenges in Dynamical Systems,
M. Á. Martínez, R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
Finding periodic orbits in the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model,
Progress and Challenges in Dynamical Systems,
H. Jiang, S. Graillat
R. Barrio.
Accurate and fast evaluation of elementary symmetric functions,
21st IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH),
H. Jiang, H. Li, L. Cheng, R. Barrio, C. Hu
X. Liao.
Accurate, Validated and Fast Evaluation of Bézier Tensor Product Surfaces.,
Reliable Computing18(2013)55–72.
R. Barrio, H. Jiang
S. Serrano.
A general condition number for polynomials,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis512(2013)1280–1294.
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H. Jiang, S. Graillat
R. Barrio.
Accurate computing elementary symmetric functions,
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra463/4(2013)102–103.
A. Shilnikov, L. Shilnikov
R. Barrio.
Symbolic dynamics and spiral structures due to the saddle-focus bifurcations,
Chaos, CNN, Memristors and Beyond: A Festschrift for Leon Chua. Edited by Adamatzky Andrew et al.,
Á. Lozano Rojo
O. Lukina.
Suspensions of Bernoulli shifts,
Dynamical Systems: An international Journal284(2013)551–566.
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R. Barrio
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Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies,
Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 165 Poznań, Poland July 1–5, 1996,
S. Piasecki, R. Barrio
F. Blesa.
Symmetry breaking bifurcations in a D4 symmetric Hamiltonian system,
Monografías Matemáticas García de Galdeano37(2012)189–196.
D. H Bailey, R. Barrio
J. M Borwein.
High-precision computation: Mathematical physics and dynamics,
Applied Mathematics and Computation21820(2012)10106–10121.
F. Blesa, J. M Seoane, R. Barrio
M. AF Sanjuan.
To escape or not to escape, that is the question—perturbing the Hénon–Heiles Hamiltonian,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos226(2012)1230010.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Behavior patterns in multiparametric dynamical systems: Lorenz model,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos226(2012)1230019.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Topological changes in periodicity hubs of dissipative systems,
Physical review letters10821(2012)214102.
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Á. Dena, M. Rodríguez, S. Serrano
R. Barrio.
High-precision continuation of periodic orbits,
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R. Barrio, A. Shilnikov
L. Shilnikov.
Kneadings, symbolic dynamics and painting Lorenz chaos,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos224(2012)1230016.
doi 10.1142/S0218127412300169
M. Rodríguez
R. Barrio.
Reducing rounding errors and achieving Brouwerʼs law with Taylor Series Method,
Applied Numerical Mathematics628(2012)1014–1024.
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F. Blesa, S. Piasecki, Á. Dena
R. Barrio.
Connecting symmetric and asymmetric families of periodic orbits in squared symmetric Hamiltonians,
International Journal of Modern Physics C232(2012)1250014.
R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez
F. Blesa.
Computer-assisted proof of skeletons of periodic orbits,
Computer Physics Communications1831(2012)80–85.
S. Serrano, R. Barrio, A Dena
M Rodríguez.
Crisis curves in nonlinear business cycles,
Communications in nonlinear Science and Numerical simulation172(2012)788–794.
R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez
F. Blesa.
Computer-assisted proof of skeletons of periodic orbits,
Computer Physics Communications1831(2012)80–85.
S. Serrano, R. Barrio, Á. Dena
M. Rodríguez.
Crisis curves in nonlinear business cycles,
Communications in nonlinear Science and Numerical simulation172(2012)788–794.
A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa
M. Rodríguez.
Algorithm 924: TIDES, a Taylor series integrator for differential equations,
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H. Jiang, R. Barrio, X. Liao
L. Cheng.
Accurate evaluation algorithm for bivariate polynomial in Bernstein–Bézier form,
Applied Numerical Mathematics6111(2011)1147–1160.
R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez, A. Abad
S. Serrano.
Uncertainty propagation or box propagation,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling5411(2011)2602–2615.
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H. Li, H. Jiang, R. Barrio, X. Liao, L. Cheng
F. Su.
Incremental manifold learning by spectral embedding methods,
Pattern Recognition Letters3210(2011)1447–1455.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa, A. Dena
S. Serrano.
Qualitative and numerical analysis of the Rössler model: Bifurcations of equilibria,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications6211(2011)4140–4150.
A. Abad, R. Barrio
A. Dena.
Computing periodic orbits with arbitrary precision,
Physical review E841(2011)016701.
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R. Barrio, F. Blesa, S. Serrano
A. Shilnikov.
Global organization of spiral structures in biparameter space of dissipative systems with Shilnikov saddle-foci,
Physical Review E843(2011)035201.
H. Jiang, R. Barrio, H. Li, X. Liao, L. Cheng
F. Su.
Accurate evaluation of a polynomial in Chebyshev form,
Applied Mathematics and Computation21723(2011)9702–9716.
R. Barrio
A. Shilnikov.
Parameter-sweeping techniques for temporal dynamics of neuronal systems: case study of Hindmarsh-Rose model,
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience1(2011)6.
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R. Barrio, M. Rodríguez, A. Abad
F. Blesa.
Breaking the limits: the Taylor series method,
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F. Alcalde Cuesta, Á. Lozano Rojo
M. Macho-Stadler.
Transversely Cantor laminations as inverse limits,
Proceedings of the AMS1397(2011)2615–2630.
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Á. Lozano Rojo.
An example of non-uniquely ergodic lamination,
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M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, J Perea, R Coziol
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The influence of local environment on the emergence of AGN activity in galaxies,
Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI,
O González-Martín, I Papadakis, V Braito, J Masegosa, I Márquez, S Mateos, J A Acosta-Pulido, M. Á. Martínez, J Ebrero, P Esquej, P O’Brien, J Tueller, R S Warwick
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Suzaku observation of the LINER NGC 4102,
Astronomy and Astrophysics527(2011)A142.
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R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Bifurcations and chaos in Hamiltonian systems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos205(2010)1293–1319.
doi 10.1142/S0218127410026496
R. Barrio, J. M. Peña
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Three term recurrence for the evaluation of multivariate orthogonal polynomials,
Journal of Approximation Theory1622(2010)407–420.
M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, R Coziol, J Perea
P Focardi.
Relationship between AGNs and Environment. Deficiency of BLAGNs in Compact Groups,
Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature Versus Nurture, proceedings of a conference held 12 to 15 May 2009 in Granada, Spain. Edited by Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, Ascencíon del Olmo, and Jack Sulentic,
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A del Olmo, M. Á. Martínez, J Perea, R Coziol
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AGNs and Environment: AGN Population and Deficiency of BLAGNs in Compact Groups of Galaxies,
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M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, R Coziol
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AGN population in hickson compact groups. I. Data and nuclear activity classification,
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R. Barrio
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Sobre el método de Variación de los Parámetros,
Boletín ROA1(2009)25–31.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Periodic, escape and chaotic orbits in the Copenhagen and the (n+1)-body ring problems,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation145(2009)2229–2238.
R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
Bounds for the chaotic region in the Lorenz model,
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena23816(2009)1615–1624.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Bifurcations and safe regions in open Hamiltonians,
New Journal of Physics115(2009)053004.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
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Qualitative analysis of the Rössler equations: Bifurcations of limit cycles and chaotic attractors,
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R. Barrio, W. Borczyk
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Spurious structures in chaos indicators maps,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals404(2009)1697–1714.
R. Barrio
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Systematic search of symmetric periodic orbits in 2DOF Hamiltonian systems,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals412(2009)560–582.
F. Alcalde Cuesta, P. Gonzalez Sequeiros
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Affability of Euclidean tilings,
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F. Alcalde Cuesta, Á. Lozano Rojo
M. Macho-Stadler.
Dynamique transverse de la lamination de Ghys-Kenyon,
arXiv 0809.0772
R. Barrio
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Performance of perturbation methods on orbit prediction,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling483(2008)594–600.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Fractal structures in the Henon-Heiles hamiltonian,
EPL (Europhysics Letters)821(2008)10003.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Qualitative analysis of the (N+1)-body ring problem,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals364(2008)1067–1088.
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Dinámica transversa de laminaciones definidas por grafos repetitivos,
Publicaciones del Departamento de Geometría y Topología112.
M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, R Coziol
J Perea.
Agn population in compact groups galaxies,
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias32(2008)164–166.
M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, R Coziol
P Focardi.
Deficiency of broad-line AGNs in compact groups of galaxies,
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A del Olmo, M. Á. Martínez, P Focardi
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Spectral classification and analysis of nuclear activity in the UZC-compact group sample,
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias32(2008)174.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
S. Serrano.
Is there chaos in Copenhagen problem?,
Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza30(2007)51–65.
R. Barrio Gil, S. Serrano Pastor
F. Blesa Moreno.
Evolución paramétrica del sistema de Lorenz,
XX Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones. Sevilla, 24-28 de septiembre de 2007,
R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
A three-parametric study of the Lorenz model,
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena2291(2007)43–51.
Á. Lozano Rojo.
Espacios foliados definidos por grafos,
Revista del Seminario Iberoamericano de Matemáticas3IV(2007)21–38.
M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, J Perea
R Coziol.
Low luminosity activity in Hickson Compact Groups,
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R. Barrio.
Painting chaos: OFLI2TT,
Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza28(2006)85–94.
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
A Elipe.
On the use of chaos indicators in rigid-body motion,
The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences543(2006)359–368.
R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
Modifications of the method of variation of parameters,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications513-4(2006)451–466.
R. Barrio.
Painting chaos: a gallery of sensitivity plots of classical problems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos1610(2006)2777–2798.
R. Barrio.
Sensitivity analysis of ODEs/DAEs using the Taylor series method,
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Á. Lozano Rojo.
The Cayley foliated space of a graphed pseudogroup,
Proceedings of the XIV Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics (Bilbao, 2005),
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J Gorosabel, V Larionov, A J Castro-Tirado, S Guziy, L Larionova, A del Olmo, M. Á. Martínez, J Cepa, B Cedré, A De Ugarte Postigo, M Jelínek, O Bogdanov
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Detection of optical linear polarization in the SN 2006aj/XRF 060218 non-spherical expansion,
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M. Á. Martínez, A del Olmo, P Focardi
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Nuclear activity in UZC compact groups,
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union2(2006)222.
doi 10.1017/S1743921306006284
R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
Generation and evaluation of orthogonal polynomials in discrete Sobolev spaces II: numerical stability,
Journal of computational and applied mathematics1812(2005)299–320.
R. Barrio
J. M. Peña.
Evaluation of the derivative of a polynomial in Bernstein form,
Applied mathematics and computation1671(2005)125–142.
R. Barrio, B Melendo
S. Serrano.
Generation and evaluation of orthogonal polynomials in discrete Sobolev spaces I: algorithms,
Journal of computational and applied mathematics1812(2005)280–298.
R. Barrio.
Sensitivity tools vs. Poincaré sections,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals253(2005)711–726.
R. Barrio.
Performance of the Taylor series method for ODEs/DAEs,
Applied Mathematics and Computation1632(2005)525–545.
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R. Barrio, F. Blesa
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VSVO formulation of the Taylor method for the numerical solution of ODEs,
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J. Delgado
R. Barrio.
Trajectories of zeros of Sobolev-Gegengauer orthogonal polynomials,
Revista de la Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza59(2004)101–108.
R. Barrio
S. Serrano.
High-order recurrences satisfied by classical orthogonal polynomials,
Applied mathematics letters176(2004)667–670.
R. Barrio.
Algorithms for the integration and derivation of Chebyshev series,
Applied mathematics and computation1503(2004)707–717.
R. Barrio
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Basis conversions among univariate polynomial representations,
Comptes Rendus Mathematique3394(2004)293–298.
R. Barrio, B. Melendo
S. Serrano.
Some remarks on the evaluation of linear recurrences,
VII Jornadas Zaragoza-Pau de Matemática Aplicada y estadística: Jaca (Huesca), 17-18 de septiembre de 2001,
R. Barrio, F. Blesa
M. Lara Coira.
High-precision numerical solution of ODE with high-order Taylor methods in parallel,
Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza22(2003)67–74.
R. Barrio
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Stability of parallel algorithms for polynomial evaluation,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications465-6(2003)769–781.
R. Barrio.
Compression of almost-periodic data,
Applied mathematics and computation1342(2003)431–444.
R. Barrio
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High-order averaging of eccentric artificial satellites perturbed by the Earth’ potential and air-drag terms,
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R. Barrio.
A unified rounding error bound for polynomial evaluation,
Advances in Computational Mathematics194(2003)385–399.
R. Barrio, B Melendo
S. Serrano.
On the numerical evaluation of linear recurrences,
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R. Barrio
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Compression of Satellite Data,
Revista Matemática Complutense151(2002)85–100.
R. Barrio.
Rounding error bounds for the Clenshaw and Forsythe algorithms for the evaluation of orthogonal polynomial series,
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R. Barrio
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Numerical evaluation of the p-th derivative of Jacobi series,
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R. Barrio.
Stability of parallel algorithms to evaluate Chebyshev series,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications4110-11(2001)1365–1377.
R. Barrio
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Stability analysis of parallel evaluation of finite series of orthogonal polynomials,
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Its Applications,
R. Barrio.
Construction of seminumerical schemes: Application to the artificial satellite problem,
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Its Applications,
R. Barrio.
Parallel algorithms to evaluate orthogonal polynomial series,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing216(2000)2225–2239.
R. Barrio.
Characterization of low degree A-stable symmetric RK collocation methods,
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R. Barrio
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Parallel evaluation of Chebyshev and trigonometric series,
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R. Barrio.
On the A-Stability of Runge–Kutta Collocation Methods Based on Orthogonal Polynomials,
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R. Barrio, M. Palacios
A. Elipe.
Chebyshev collocation methods for fast orbit determination,
Applied Mathematics and Computation992-3(1999)195–207.
R. Barrio.
A matrix analysis of the stability of the Clenshaw algorithm,
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R. Barrio, A Elipe
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Compression Ephemerides in Attitude Dynamics (AAS 98-207),
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R. Barrio
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Perturbation simulations of rounding errors in the evaluation of Chebyshev series,
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R. Barrio
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A parallel algorithm to evaluate chebyshev series on a message passing environment,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing203(1998)964–969.
R. Barrio
A. Elipe.
Integration of orbital motions with Chebyshev Polynomials,
International Astronomical Union Colloquium,
R. Barrio
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Semianalytical methods for high eccentric orbits- Zonal harmonics and air drag terms,
Spaceflight mechanics 1997(1997)331–339.
R. Barrio
J. Palacian.
Lie transforms for ordinary differential equations: taking advantage of the Hamiltonian form of terms of the perturbation,
International journal for numerical methods in engineering4012(1997)2289–2300.